What The M&M's Name Really Means.
Looking for: What does.m&m stand for Click here to ENTER - What does M&M stand for? | The Sun When you buy through links on Chefsresource. Most people are familiar with the circular chocolate candies that come with hard and colorful shells. However, the truth behind the logo is actually much more complicated. The story started in when Forrest Mars Sr. Forrest Mars, Sr. During the Spanish Civil War in the s, he had noticed soldiers eating the British candy Smarties. Smarties are chocolate pellets that are coated with a colored shell made from hardened sugar syrup. This coating prevented the chocolate from melting so that it could be eaten away from home. Mars received a patent for this own process on March 3, , but there was one thing missing. Forrest Mars Sr. The candy was originally sold in cardboard tubes, just like the British Smarties. Army, which distributed the candy to their recruits. The candy was exclusively sold to the military during W...